Bible Study

Ignorance of Scripture is
ignorance of Christ

- St. Jerome

Familiarity with the Sunday readings makes participating in the Sunday Mass so much more richer. One is able to focus with a deeper appreciation of the readings as they are proclaimed. This also gives something for the Holy Spirit to tug upon in your heart. Without familiarity, it can seem like you’re joining in the middle of a complex conversation and by the time you figure things out, the conversation is over. It is not very satisfying.

Join Fr. Tom and other explorers, as they break open the upcoming Sunday readings every Thursday at 6:00 pm. Contact Fr. Tom for the ZOOM link and to find out more about the group.

To join our Bible Study in Chinese, please contact Fr. Simon for the ZOOM link.


“I could simply share with you the treasures I’ve uncovered. But I’d rather give you the treasure map.”

— Jane Johnson