Saturday for the Engaged Catechist Team

Help prepare engaged couples for married life.

Saturday For the Engaged is an excellent opportunity for married couples to fulfill their baptismal call of service  by sharing their experiences of married life with couples who are currently preparing for marriage!

 The Saturday for Engaged Couples is a one-day, all-day process exploring the meaning of marriage from a Roman Catholic perspective. Marriage is understood as "a covenant of irrevocable personal commitment between a man and a woman that is permanent and exclusive." In this process, the emphasis is on covenant and the commitment of two persons who create a community of life together through the sharing of the whole person -- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Throughout the day, the nature of marital commitment is explored through presentations, couple exercises and group discussion.  Topics covered include faith, finances, arguing, children, and more.

Old Saint Mary's + Chinese Mission holds approximately six of these extremely popular and useful one-day marriage preparation sessions a year.  We are always looking for married couples to help guide the sessions and share their experiences in married life.  

Please email us at or :call us at 415-288-3800 if you are a married couple interested in volunteering or want to know more.

“You know you're in love
when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better
than your dreams."

- Dr. Suess

Love seems the swiftest,
but it is the slowest of all growths.
No man or woman really knows
what perfect love is
until they have been married
a quarter of a century.”

— Mark Twain