Saturday for Engaged Couples:
Catholic Marriage
Preparation Workshop
Saturday for Engaged Couples Workshop
Upcoming classes:
2025 - April 12, June 14,
August 9, October 18, December 13.
Sign up early; classes may fill up quickly!
Getting married in 2025? Remember, the Catholic Church requires at least 6 months for marriage preparation. Sign up for one of the Saturday for Engaged Couples sessions.
The Saturday for Engaged Couples is a one-day, all-day exploration of the meaning of marriage from a Roman Catholic perspective. Marriage is understood as "a covenant of irrevocable personal commitment between a man and a woman that is permanent and exclusive." On this day, the emphasis is on covenant and the commitment of two persons who create a community of life together through the sharing of the whole person -- physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Structure of the Day
Throughout the day, the nature of marital commitment is explored through presentations, couple exercises and group discussion.
The topics that will be discussed are Communication, Family of Origin, Disagreements, Finance, Sexuality, Spirituality in Marriage, and Children. In addition there is a practical guide to getting married in the Catholic church.
Please Note:
The FOCCUS Inventory, a pre-marriage tool, is required by the Archdiocese of San Francisco as part of the marriage preparation process. The FOCCUS Inventory is not a part of the Saturday for Engaged Couples workshop. Please contact the priest/deacon arranging your marriage preparation paperwork to set you up with the FOCCUS Inventory.
The FOCCUS Inventory is not required in every diocese. Please check with the diocese in which you are getting married to see if it is a requirement.
The workshop cost is $200 per couple. Registration is required. The fee is payable after the application is made. Registration can be made online or by mail. Register online here.
For more information, please contact Fr. Tom Tavella at tomtavella@paulist.org or 415-288-3820.
The Saturday for Engaged Couples is held as a Zoom conference until further noted.

“Before marrying a person,
you should make them use a computer with slow internet
to see who they really are."
— Will Ferrell