

Sharing Your Treasure

Old St. Mary’s + Chinese Mission is an intercultural community of faith, and each day we strive to stand up to our mission, staying true to the work we do as a parish and as the second foundation of the Paulist Fathers and the first Cathedral in California.

Old St. Mary’s + Chinese Mission today and every day, is a beacon of faith, a haven and an advocate for those in need. It is also a patron of the arts, where our community can experience an awareness of God through the giftedness of musicians and artists. It is because of the generous financial gifts that we receive from our parishioners, friends and visitors, that we are able to continue to serve in these ways.

Your gift makes it possible for us to...

  • Celebrate the Church’s liturgy with beauty and dignity

  • Reach out with love to the poor and the needy

  • Offer faith formation programs

  • Compensate our staff with a just living wage

  • Sustain our highly acclaimed musical, ecumenical and cultural programs

  • Maintain our historic Church and other adjacent parish buildings

Online Donation

Gifts of any amount can be made via our secure online donation system. You can opt to make a one-time gift or a recurring offering. We are grateful for whatever support you offer.

Designated Offerings

Listed below are the "special collections" that the Cathedral receives throughout the calendar year, usually through a second collection at Mass or a special campaign.

Catholic Relief Services Lenten Missions

CRS carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. 

Collection: During Lent

Retirement Fund for Religious

Funds financial, educational, and consultative support that helps religious communities care for senior members and plan for long-term retirement needs.

Collection: December

World Mission Sunday

Offerings from Catholics around the globe are distributed to about 1,100 mission dioceses.

Collection: October

Diocesan AAA (Archdiocesan Annual Appeal)

The AAA enables the Archdiocese of San Francisco to carry out the mission of the Church through her various diocesan programs and ministries. When the collection is below our assigned goal, the parish has to cover the difference.

Collection: February

Special Needs Collections

We also have a monthly “special needs collection” that is specifically for supporting Old St. Mary’s outreach ministries. This is a collection where we ask our parishioners and visitors to contribute to so that we can continue our community outreach and enrich our ministries.

Campaign for Human Development

Supports the domestic anti-poverty and social justice programs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Collection: November

Annual Paulist Appeal

Supports the Paulist local and national mission of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and the beauty of the Catholic faith, bringing lost Catholics home, helping people of faith find common ground, instilling hope and faith in young people, and supporting and caring for senior Paulists.

Collection: Near Jan 25 - Conversion of St. Paul