Funerals at Old St. Mary’s
Celebrate the gift of life.
Grieve the departure of a loved one.
Seek prayers and consolation from our God.
The loss of a loved one is a key moment in the life of a believer, In this difficult time of grief and transition, it is important to be surrounded by faith and prayer in a caring and supportive environment.
To make arrangements for a funeral or memorial service
at Old Saint Mary's Cathedral + Chinese Mission,
please call us at (415) 288-3800.
“For if we live, we live for the Lord,
and if we die, we die for the Lord;
so then, whether we live or die,
we are the Lord’s.”
(Romans 14:8 NAB)
When people whom we love die it hurts, we often are so overcome with grief that we don’t know where to turn or even how to feel. We think of the loved one who is now dead and at one moment we think of the wonderful things they did in their lives; the next moment we are weeping uncontrollably because … because… we don’t even know why. We just know it hurts. How do we deal with our grief? How do we say goodbye to someone whom we love so deeply? We have a funeral.
For more information or to schedule a Funeral Service at Old St. Mary's,
please contact Fr. Ivan Tou, CSP by e-mail or call 415-288-3830.
Why Do Catholics Have Funerals?
Catholics believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. They also believe that because we are baptized we share in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore we celebrate what we believe is the passage of a person from our life as we know it to the life in God. The funeral and its attendant vigil helps those who remain behind to deal with the human tragedy of death. A funeral gives the family and friends of the deceased a chance to express in community the spectrum of emotions that result from the passing of their loved one. These often include loss, hurt, betrayal, guilt, sometimes relief and even joy that the person they loved is now in God’s loving hands.
Is Mass Always Part Of A Funeral?
When a deceased Catholic dies the Church prefers that remains of the deceased be brought to the Church, where the Eucharist, which is the Catholic sign of unity with Christ, is celebrated. It is at the Church that the Word of God will be proclaimed, and the prayer of thanks to God is said for the life being celebrated. However, there are times when a funeral service will not include the Eucharist. For example, if the deceased’s family is no longer familiar with or comfortable with the Church, a prayer service that includes the celebration of the Word might be more effective in celebrating the life of the deceased.
Are There Guidelines For Planning A Catholic Funeral?
Most Catholic parishes will have guidelines for planning a Catholic funeral. There are several books which have been written which are also helpful guides. At Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral + Chinese Mission we recommend Through Death to Life. When you meet with the priest to plan the funeral, he will have a copy of that book to plan your loved one’s service.
For a list of suggested funeral readings, click here. One typically chooses one Old Testament reading, one New Testament reading, and one Gospel reading. In choosing the readings, think about what message you think your deceased loved one or you would want the family and friends to hear to comfort them and give them hope in this time of grief. Usually readings of God’s fidelity and promises of new life and Jesus’ healing and resurrection are powerfully comforting. Other useful readings are those that demonstrate how the deceased is a faithful disciple of Jesus and faithful child of God, such as 1 Corinthians 13 on love or Galatians 5 on fruit of the Holy Spirit describing how the deceased lived his or her life.
What Does The Family Of The Deceased Need To Do?
When a loved one dies who is Catholic, the two calls the family should immediately make are with the funeral home and the pastor of their local Catholic Church. In the case of people who are members of the Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral + Chinese Mission, the telephone number to reach the pastor is 415-288-3800. Once the parish has been contacted, an appointment for the family to come to the parish offices, or for one of the pastoral staff to visit with the family will be established.
At the pastoral appointment, the needs of the family will be addressed and questions about the liturgy will be answered. It is the time to plan the liturgy for the vigil, the funeral and the committal.
What Is A Vigil For The Deceased?
The Church has created a vigil service for the deceased. It consists of a service of the word as well as a number of prayers that will help families to deal with the reality of the death of their loved one. It is also the best time and place for people to speak on behalf of the deceased loved one and to share the stories, pictures and mementos of the person’s life. Many years ago the vigil was often called a wake.
A priest, a deacon or a dedicated lay person from the parish staff will normally lead a vigil service.
What Is A Committal Service?
After a funeral ceremony at the Church, the people, who so wish, will normally go in procession to the cemetery or burial place. There a final service of committing the remains of the deceased to the ground or crypt will be conducted. It is a service rich in the tradition of Jesus’ Resurrection. The committal service offers the family a final chance to say good-bye in the hope that the person whom they loved and who is now gone to God, will live forever with God in the Resurrection.
Normally, a priest or deacon will lead the committal service of a Catholic.
Can A Catholic Family Have A Funeral At Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral + Chinese Mission If Their Deceased Loved One Did Not Share Their Faith?
If a Catholic family has a deceased loved one, who does not share the Catholic faith with them, and they wish to have him or her buried from a Catholic Church, an ecumenical funeral service can be celebrated for the loved one at the Catholic Church. The Catholic family in such a situation should be in touch with the pastor of their parish as soon as possible after the death of the loved one to make proper arrangements.
Is There A Fee For Holding A Funeral At Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral + Chinese Mission?
There is a suggested fee of $500 for parishioners and non-parishioners for the use of the Church for the liturgy for funerals at the Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral + Chinese Mission. The funeral home often will take care of paying those expenses for you. This fee includes the music and all other related church expenses. If the family of the deceased wishes to make an additional offering for the priest they are free to do so. Of course, if the fee is of great burden to the family, adjustments can be made. Just talk to the priest.
What Does The Church Say About Cremation?
For many years the Church did not allow cremation, believing that all of us are basically brought from dust as Adam was and so should return to the dust of the earth. More recently the Church has allowed for cremation of the deceased. The Church urges its members to have the cremation after the celebration of the funeral. Sometimes funeral directors urge family members to have the cremation prior to the funeral. While the Church adapts to what people do in such circumstances, it urges that the remains of the deceased be present at church for the funeral services.
What Happens To The Ashes If One Is Cremated?
Normally, ashes of a Catholic who is cremated will be placed in a vault at a cemetery known as a crematorium. The Church urges Catholics to avoid distributing the ashes whether at sea or anywhere else. We believe resurrection is not an abstract action, but takes place at a particular place and time, as determined by God, just as Lazarus was called forth from his tomb and Jesus was raised after three days from his tomb.
We also believe the dead are not gone, but continue to live forever, being children of God. They join us always in celebration of the Eucharist that is united across space and time as one sacrifice of Christ for our sake. We may repeat it each day, but its reality is one cosmic sacrifice, one action of Christ we participate with Christ and all the saints.
We also need a place to go to to pray for our deceased and to ask him or her to pray for us. In some traditions, a meal is shared and incense is burned when the family goes to the cemetery.

“In the end,
it’s not the years
in your life
that count.
It’s the life
in your years.”
“Well done,
good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.
Enter into the joy
of your master.”
—MATTHEW 25:21