Welcome to
Old St. Mary’s Cathedral
& Chinese Mission

Welcome to our vibrant Catholic community,
where we celebrate faith, hope, and love together.
Join us in sacred worship, building community, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Weekend Mass Times

Saturday 5:00 pm

Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Weekday Mass

Tue-Fri 12:05 pm


by appointment

What’s Coming Up

Stations of the Cross
Fridays of Lent

Join us after the 12:05pm Mass each Friday of Lent as we walk the Stations of the Cross, remembering our Lord’s passion.

You can also join us each Friday via ZOOM at 6:15pm during Lent. Contact Fr. Tom for ZOOM link.

Hallow App

Download the Hallow App and use its variety of resources to help you deepen your faith. Develop some holy habits this Lent through prayers or Scripture reading or spiritual podcasts. Consider joining their Lent PRAY40 Challenge.

See the brochures in church for our Lenten special download.

Small Group Discussion: The Three Ordinary Voices of God

During Lent, we will be reading and discussing Matthew Kelly’s The Three Ordinary Voices of God. How are we going to live our lives unless we listen to God and allow God to guide us?

We’ll meet in person after the 9am Sunday Mass and on Google Meets at 6:30pm Tuesday, starting with the 2nd Sunday of Lent. Contact Fr. Ivan for the link.

Lenten Resources

As we journey for 40 days in this powerful season of Lent, click here for some resources to help you on your journey, besides all the opportunities offered at our parish.

Busy Person’s Retreat

Needing some inspiration to kickstart your Lenten or spiritual journey? Is your life too busy to go on retreat? Sign up for our Busy Person’s Retreat where we pair you with a spiritual director to accompany you the first 3 weeks of Lent. For more info, contact Fr. Ivan.

Sign up Here

Joyful Simplicity
Part Two
with Fr. Terry Ryan, CSP 

Join Fr. Terry on 9am, Sat, March 15th as he continues to talk about the joy of a simplified prayer of deep meditation that includes a more simplified way of life. Less clutter makes space for the Energy of the Presence to grow your life. Contact Fr. Terry for ZOOM link.

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal

It’s that time again to support our SF Archdiocese through the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. Your support helps with the operating expenses for running an archdiocese. And when you donate in the name of Old St. Mary’s, you help us reach our required goal.

Lenten Reading:
The Three Ordinary
Voices of God

This Lent, Old St. Mary’s is making available Matthew Kelly’s “The Three Ordinary Voices of God.” It’s a beautiful book on how to better listen for God in our lives. Who we listen to has a big effect on who we are becoming. Who are you using as your guiding light? Come pick up the book at our parish. If you enjoy growing with others, join one of our Small Lenten Discussion Group.

OCIA - A Journey of Faith 

Wanting to explore the Catholic Faith? Considering becoming Catholic or receiving sacraments
of Confirmation & Eucharist?

We have a process called the OCIA where the church accompanies folks in their spiritual journey to discern God’s call to become Catholic. Contact Fr. Ivan for more information.

Saturday for
Engaged Couples

Every other month, we hold a Saturday workshop for engaged couples to prepare for marriage. This workshop fulfills the diocesan workshop requirement. Our next workshop is April 12. To register for our Saturday for Engaged Couples, click here

** Visiting Old St. Mary's

** Visiting Old St. Mary's

If you are planning to visit Old St. Mary's, we look forward to welcoming you.  This 170 year old church has seen a lot of history and a lot of lived faith.

We have a self-guided tour pamphlet you can pick up at the church.  Along our entrance to the church, we have pictures of the church and tower that amazingly survived the 1906 SF Earthquake. That earthquake destroyed over 80% of the city. 

Our church is open

     Tues-Fri:  10am-4:30pm

     Sat:           11:30am-6pm

     Sun:          8:30am-Noon 
(until 3pm​ during the summer)

Who Are We?

Welcome to our community, where warmth and faith come together
to create a sense of belonging for everyone.
Join us as we share in life's journey,
celebrating and supporting one another every step of the way.