Go Deeper During Lent

“During Lent, let us find concrete ways
to overcome our indifference." - Pope Francis

Throughout Lent, Catholics are encouraged to observe the 3-fold discipline of fasting, almsgiving, and prayer to prepare for Easter and the renewal of baptismal promises (or baptism). 

During all the Fridays of Lent, Catholics 14 years and older traditionally abstain from meat.  On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59 traditionally abstain and fast. 

These practices are not to self-punish or to promote religious pride, but to be powerful reminders of the call to holiness and unity, as they, in varied ways, remind folks of the sacrifice and love of Christ, our sharing in the poverty of people in the world, a call to simplicity, a call to respect creation with a smaller carbon footprint, and many other spiritual insights.

Besides the Lenten activities found in our parish and archdiocese,
here are some personal resources:

“Seek a relationship
when you pray, not answers.
You won't always find answers,
but you will always find Jesus."”

— Fr. Mike Schmitz